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Episode Sixteen: Slither Into Gamedev with Python

The 16th episode of the Side Quest Completed podcast, a podcast about game development hobbies.

Jaycie and Calvin talk about the Python programming language, a language both have worked with for many years and enjoy quite a lot. Also, a language with a long and complicated relationship with making games …

Doom title screen

Episode Fifteen: Hurt Me Plenty

The 15th episode of the Side Quest Completed podcast, a podcast about game development hobbies.

Jaycie and Calvin talk about difficulty levels in games. What changes in gameplay make compelling knobs to adjust the challenge? How do we balance our games not just once, but across many difficulty levels?

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Several developers at a gamejam working together

Episode Thirteen: Gamdev Daily Grind

The 13th episode of the Side Quest Completed podcast, a podcast about game development hobbies.

Jaycie and Calvin talk about the difficulty working on your game every day, and weigh the benefits of working a little every day vs a whole lot on just a couple days each week.

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